The North American architect of Canadian origin, Frank Gehry (Toronto, 1929) will be the architect that will designing the future building of the National Archive of Andorra,which will be constructed in La Massana. The author, who won the prize Pritzker in 1989 will have to finish the design before the first July of 2008, date that constructor will start the works, which will be executed in the minimum period of two years. The candidature of Gehry has been imposed (with 98 points about 100) to the other architects of the area; this is because Frank Gehry is one of the best architects in the world. The project which the North American architect will have to work will have to have the specific conditions that an archive requires and, the materials, will have to take the weather conditions of the Principat because this is a very cold zone and it’s up the one thousand metres. Gehry will have to select architects and engineers of the country to carry out the project, which has already been declared national of interest because in the future it will receive a lot of tourists and it will be an icon of the Principat.
This new Archive will include a big square and an auditorium that can accommodate representations of the National Scene of Andorra.
Actually the archive is saved in an old building an there is documentation of the year 1278, the First Pareatge, dated in 1278 is one of the most important document in this archive, it’s considered the foundation of the Principat.
In this way, the Principat pretends to win prestige through names of reference of the contemporary architecture. I think it is a good thing to talk about because it’s very rarely to see one of this constructions in our country and maybe in the future we will can go to Andorra to see that fascinating Gehry building.
This new Archive will include a big square and an auditorium that can accommodate representations of the National Scene of Andorra.
Actually the archive is saved in an old building an there is documentation of the year 1278, the First Pareatge, dated in 1278 is one of the most important document in this archive, it’s considered the foundation of the Principat.
In this way, the Principat pretends to win prestige through names of reference of the contemporary architecture. I think it is a good thing to talk about because it’s very rarely to see one of this constructions in our country and maybe in the future we will can go to Andorra to see that fascinating Gehry building.
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