This year is the 25th anniversary of the Mecano pop group. I have chosen this subject for speaking, because Mecano has been one of the Spanish groups that the Spanish society of the decade of the 80 has marked.A group formed by three members Anna Torroja, Nacho Cano and Jose María Cano. They decided to create this group for the huge influence on those years of the group Los Pecos. At the beginning of their career they didn’t have much of success but they were afterwards a revolution where all the young people of those times felt identified with their songs. I believe that it can’t say what is their best disk because all have got good things.
Last year they decided to make a musical "hoy no me puedo levantar" about their great successes, the musical one has been made famous all over the world. Also they have used their songs in an advertisement of the Coca-Cola.This last year Anna Torroja has taken out a disk alone remembering their best songs like "Los Amantes" a categorical success.My mother always said that Mecano was the best group, I think that in the 80’s century was the best but now there are a lot of pop groups but Mecano was a symbol.
That's a really good topic because it's an spanish group and there are peolple that don't know it.
It's true that Mecano was one of the bes music groups in Spain, this year all this songs are remebered because Ana Torroja is making concerts around Spain with the most famous Mecano songs, thats a very good idea and it have been a lot of succes.
I'm a Mecano fan. Yes, it is true that they marked an era in Spain. I enjoyed their sons a lot, and I have seen the musical' hoy no me puedo levantar' about their great hits. Do you like them?
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