Thursday, December 14, 2006
In this championchip only there are the winners of the all continents, Asia, Africa, Oceania, South and North America.
The last time that Barça went to Japan to dispute this championchip was in 1992, when they won the first Campions League for the Barça.
This time like now, Barça lose the match and retourn to Barcelona without the cup. the fans to Barça are very disappointed with his players, because it is the only cup tht this team never win.
I would like that one day Barça can win this important cup.
Modelism in Lleida
Around the world a lot of people like radio controlled cars, or planes; painting miniatures; sculpting and a lot of hobbies that are engloved in modelism.
In fact these two shops are in the ranking of the twenty best modeling shops in
But it is only in Lleida. Allover the province there are no shop specialized on this. I hope in a near future it will appear some new and interesting places where you can go to have fun with modelism.
Welcome to !!!

We are going to visit Barcelona next Thursday, instead of being at school.
We are going to leave from La Pobla very early. May be, we will have a break at the middle of the travel to eat something. More o less, at ten or eleven o'clock we will arrive in the big city. At half past eleven we will be at the Museum of the History to do the first visit of the day.
When we finish, we'll have free time to do all the things that we want. We'll be able to go to eat at a restaurant,buy clothes or music, books...
At five o'clock, we'll have to be at the theatre to see "En Polvora".
Finally, after the theatre, we'll come back home, but there is someone that they pass the night in Barcelona or they'll don't come back. For example, Joan and Tuso will be in the Camp Nou at night, people that want to see the family and I that I want to stay with my girlfriend.

Christmas in the countries anglosaxons

In anglosaxon countries the protagonist of Christmas is Father Christmas or Santa Claus. This man fat and bearded with a honey aspect has his origen in a lot of religious traditions.
On the one hand, the legend of Saint Nicholas de Bari, a greek priest, who was characterized by his generousity and his treatment with childrens. On the other hand, the pattern from Holland Sinterklaas was characteritzed by his innovations.
Two centuries later, the northamerican writter Washington Irving changed this two names and put Santa Claus. The appearance of Santa Claus was made by the swedish designer Thomas Nast put Santa Claus in his comics.
In the 20th century Coca-Cola made Santa Claus in his advertisements. First they changed the colour of Santa Claus's clothes and a designer painted the clothes colour red.
I wish you a Mery Christmas and a happy 2007!!
Christmas in our country

Christmas is very near and we are preparing all the things to make it a good celebration.
Every year people go shopping the same day is the celebration, experts say it’s bad because all food is more expensive, they say it’s better to go shopping one week before because food is cheaper and there is less people than the day of the celebration.
Altought experts say this, saverys only say that one of three people go shopping one week before the celebration, people say it’s better because you don’t have to freeze the food and it’s more comfortable to buy all the things the same day because you don’t need space for save food you only need the kitchen.
Experts say it’s a bad habit because Christmas days all the products are more expensive and don’t have the same quality because there are lot’s of shops that to make more money for example some shops sell fish that was fished two or three days before.
But leaving surveys Christmas is a very beautiful party when all the streets are full of beautiful lights and all the people are more happy that in other part of the year, this thing maybe is because the lights on the streets, going shopping but I think we have to take advantages of Christmas and be happy because in one week we will have holidays and it will be the best without school and with all our friends.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
TV3’s Marató
In addition, the Marató attempt to show everything about illness that they wanted to investigate as for example how this illness has an effect on the social or familiar environment, and specially illustrate the necessity to carry this scientific investigation out, improve the treatment or find a cure of it.
This year it celebrates its fifteenth birthday. It is going to take place the 17th of December and it will be dedicated to chronic pain.
More information click here:
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The video of experiment
There are two videos: a video in english and a video of Buenafuente!
Whenever you want, you can see it.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
A life without music

Can you imagine live without the music? In my opinion it's impossible because we're listening to the music all the time, in the shoping centers, on the TV, in the car, etc. In adition, sometimes we don't pay attention that we're listening to music, that's why the music is a normal thing in our lives.
Today, there are a lot of different types of music: rock, pop, classical music, techno, punk, dance, etc. For this reason, every person can choose the type of music that he or she wants, the best group of the moment or the group that he/she likes... but in general, I think that we are searching all the time for that song in which we feel identify or taht other song that we like listen to in a certain moment or in a certein state of spirit.In conclusion, I think that the music it's an important thing in the human lives and I belive that in certain mode it's a way of escape of the reality.If you want listen to some music you can look for it in
Monday, November 27, 2006
Never is late
Now I haven't got much time, but I put this video cause' you can watch it and write your opinion about it. The video isn't nothing to write home about , but its lyric says a lot of things and feelings. I love it. This song expresses all that happends throught my mind. I write the lyric down cause' you can read it. It's amazing belive me!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Brothers in arms

On the other hand, other types of advertisements we can find are about typical things and food of Christmas like Christmas trees or nougats.
From my point of view, one of the most attractive advertisements on TV related with Christmas, are about different companies of Cava. For instance, we can mention Freixenet Company, who spends an important sum of money in his Christmas ad. Freixenet is used to advertise their products with famous people. Personally, I do believe the current

Below, I append one Freixenet's advert where you can opine about it. When we will have seen Freixenet 2006's ad we can discuss wich one is better. So, we will see in a few days! See you later!
add FREIXENET 2003
Thursday, November 23, 2006

One of the my favourite sport is Formula 1, although many people consider that is not a sport because the drivers don't move and stay all the race sit in the car, but is one of the harder sport.
The racing driver can lose three or four kilogrammes in one race. This is the reason that the more important in one race, except the concentration, is drink a lot of water. They have a small water tank behind them and through a little hose they can drink.
one other important aspect that they need to keep are the muscles in their neck, because is the part of the body that is more affect, because when they drive a car in one bend near 270 km/h the G strength are very hard, for example if the normal people do it, is very probable that you break one's neck.
In my opinion it is one of the more spectacular sport, because the racing drivers can arrive with their cars near 340 km/h, and it is very dangerous because a very little absent-mindedness can be mortal.

The first snowfall has arrived in the high Pyrenees’ mountains. With this snowfall stars the ski season 2006-2007. I’ve decided speak about this topic because ski is my favorite sport and in la Pobla there are a lot of people who likes skiing. Nowadays ski is a very popular sport and thousand of people practice it in the Pyrenees.
Ski, in the beginning was a means of transport. Ski like sport started in the Northern countries at the end of 19th century. With the phenomenon of immigration, today ski is one sport around the world. In Spain this hobby arrived more or less in 1910. In 1941 was funded la Federación Española de Esquí.
In the last years, skis have developed a lot and the carving skis have removed the traditional skis. This type of skis permit accelerates the learning and goes faster than traditional skis.
Good ski season to all skiers!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Our energetic future
Moreover oil is used to do a lot of things. Look around, your CDs and DVDs are made from oil, your PC if mostly build of plastic. In general, more than the seventy percent of the objects in your house comes from fuel, what is more only the ten percent of the things you use normally are not made of any type of oil.
But, when will the oil disappear? Experts say that it will never disappear completely, because it will arrive a day when it will be too difficult to extract it and then we will use other combustibles.
So it’s very important the research in this way. A lot of scientists are working to find the best alternative to this kind of live. When will we use an hydrogen or electric car?
An eye for detail 2
I think that the text was very interesting and it’s really good to look for mistakes on the films so I decided to create the second part of that text searching other mistakes of other films.
A really good mistake is in the film Scary Movie 3, when they are in the house, the killer cut down the electricity but suddenly the people in the house receive a fax, how can it be possible?
In a Spanish film called Torrente 2 some people are driving they’re cars in the centre of the city at night, but suddenly when they crash to a barbecue it is after dark.
A film that seems to have a lot of mistakes is gladiator that appears in the school book, I looked for more mistakes and I discovered that a man is wearing mountain boots; it seems that Romans were very advanced, other error in that film it appears a carriage moved by a carboy gas.
In conclusion the text of the English book say that it’s not a problem because only few people notice these errors but now it is very different because the internet is full of this mistakes and it’s very talked in the net, if you like this text you can go to see more and more mistakes on the internet because it’s really interesting and you’ll see more websites than you can imagine, for this reason I think that nowadays it’s very important not to make mistakes because in only one day or less the internet will be full of that, so make the things slowly and don’t make mistakes.
Mecano: yesterday, tomorrow and always

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Mecano pop group. I have chosen this subject for speaking, because Mecano has been one of the Spanish groups that the Spanish society of the decade of the 80 has marked.A group formed by three members Anna Torroja, Nacho Cano and Jose María Cano. They decided to create this group for the huge influence on those years of the group Los Pecos. At the beginning of their career they didn’t have much of success but they were afterwards a revolution where all the young people of those times felt identified with their songs. I believe that it can’t say what is their best disk because all have got good things.
Last year they decided to make a musical "hoy no me puedo levantar" about their great successes, the musical one has been made famous all over the world. Also they have used their songs in an advertisement of the Coca-Cola.This last year Anna Torroja has taken out a disk alone remembering their best songs like "Los Amantes" a categorical success.My mother always said that Mecano was the best group, I think that in the 80’s century was the best but now there are a lot of pop groups but Mecano was a symbol.

Every time, people buy a movable telephone before.
We used the telephones to send messages, to communicate to us with people from any part, to make photos…
We thought that with a movable telephone we have more freedom, but the truth is that we are more watched, since they can locate to us in almost all parts.
Now on a movable telephone you take everything what you need, camera of photos, telephone, radio, calendar, alarm and soon we will even be able to pay with it.
In years the women single we will take in our purse a telephone and two or three objects more.
Not you, but I do not leave house without my telephone, because I don’t like the sensation that if passes something to not they are going me to be able to locate. It would be possible to be said that the movable telephone is a very important thing for me.
In conclusion, from my point of view the movable telephones are necessary for the society.
Sara Serrano Orihuela
(¯`• HiGh ScHoOl MuSiCaL ·´¯),

(For the fans: The second part of High School Musical has been announced and it will be launched in 2007)

We’re soarin’, flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
So we’re breaking free
You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are
Creating space between us
‘Til we’re separate hearts
But your faith it gives me strength
Strength to believe
Chorus #1
We’re breakin’ free
We’re soarin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Yeah, we’re breaking free
Oh, we’re breakin’ free
Can you feel it building
Like a wave the ocean just can’t control
Connected by a feeling
Ohhh, in our very souls
Rising ‘til it lifts us up
So every one can see
Chorus #2
Troy: We’re breakin’ free
Gabriella: We’re soarin’
Troy: Flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Yeah we’re breaking free
Ohhhh runnin’
To get to that place
To be all that we can be
Now’s the time
So we’re breaking free
We’re breaking free
Ohhh , yeah
More than hope
More than faith
This is true
This is fate
And together
We see it comin’
More than you
More than me
Not a want, but a need
Both of us breakin’ free
Chorus #3
Gabriella: Soarin’
Troy: Flyin’
There’s not a star in heaven
That we can’t reach
If we’re trying
Troy: Yeah we’re breaking free
Breaking free
Were runnin’
Ohhhh, climbin’
To get to the place
To be all that we can be
Now’s the time
Troy: Now’s the time
Gabriella: So we’re breaking free
Troy: Ohhh, we’re breaking free
Gabriella: Ohhhh
You know the world can see us
In a way that’s different than who we are
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
New eхperιмenт!!!™

Today, I have an experiment that we can do it all together because it is very impressive. It's easy.
We need only two ingredients: a bottle of two liters of Cocacola and a box of Mentos (candies). It's better that we do this out of the school or house.
Well, when we have all of this, we put the bottle in a secure site and we open it. After that, we take the box of Mentos and we put all the candies into de bottle at the same time (we need a piece of paper into a tube just big enough to hold the Mentos in order to help us).
Just when we do that....
Ok, I know the final result, but I want that all of you prove it. If you do the experiment, please, explain me your experience.
If Chapela wants, we can do it in class in 5 min, but, if anyone doesn't want to do it, I give you the explanation and the experiment in video the next week.
See you soon friends!!
Thursday, November 16, 2006

Today it will teach to you has to do crepes.
- 250 flour g
- 4 eggs
- 1/2 litter of milk
- 1 soup spoonful of sugar with a little vanilla
- 1 picks of salt
- 50 g of butter
- 1 spoonful of Cointreau
firts of all, it is preferable to do the paste hours before
In a bowl, to dilute the flour, eggs, the sugar with vanilla, the salt and milk with rods. It is necessary to obtain a paste without lumps then add butter melted and the spoonful of Cointreau. To let rest. In a very hot frying pan, to spill a little butter to lubricate it. To incorporate means paste bucket and to cook during 3 minutes.
First crepe that becomes will serve as test:
If it leaves a little become stiff or dry, to add butter or of milk. If crepe is broken, to add flour vividly shaking to avoid that lumps form
you can put into the crepe what you like.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
A contribution from the Gordon Schools

Guy Fawkes Night
In 1605, thirteen men arranged a plot to blow up the houses of Parliament. They put 36 barrels of gunpowder in the cellars of the houses of Parliament. On 5th November Guy Fawkes went down into the cellar in an attempt to blow them up but he was stopped. He was caught and tortured, he was put onto a bonfire and left to burn.
Every year since then, British people celebrate the fact that the traitor’s plan was foiled. Since the foil of the plot, 5th November has become known as Bonfire Night and on this night people all over Britain light fireworks and burn a dummy on a bonfire to represent Guy Fawkes.
It has been doubted by some Englishmen whether we are commemorating the foiling of their plan or honouring his attempt to do away with the government.
By Michelle, Rachel & Katie
Sunday, November 12, 2006
"ThE fAsHiOn"

Friday, November 10, 2006

El C.F. Pobla is not having its best moment. Last year, it obtains the third position in the first territorial division; however, this year it has begun the league very bad: only two matches have been won, one has been tied and five have been lost. This is the sad situation of a team that dreams of being at the top of the classification when the league finishes.
This dreadful beginning is basically due to lesions. It could be mentioned not only the clavicle damage of Albert Turch during the 4th football match, but also the muscular ache knee of Jordi Peroy, and even, the Eduard Bastus’ sprain two matches ago.
Anyway, C.F. Pobla should react to its present circumstances so as to be able to give away to its football fans what they really deserve.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Our Audiovisual Project!
There are six different shorts of 10 minutes, and in the end, we will put together in a film that will last about one hour. This film will be send in two competitions, one in Barcelona and the other in Salamanca. Some radio and TV programs and the news are interested in our work and next Monday TV3 will do one documentary about our project. This project is pioneer in Catalonia and unique in Spain.
Good luck!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Young people looking for a job...
Have you ever wondered why we, students and teenagers, don’t find a good job? Maybe it’s because managers are afraid of giving too much responsibilities to us or even though, they believe we are still younger for working in that particular job. Unfortunately, this last answer is the typical that we are used to listen at the end of a work's interview.
Giving responsibilities is not giving the management to somebody. Everybody,who really wants to work, has had to work hard so as to go on in his job. Then, why can not we be worthy of this job, if we work away? We agree old people have more experience than younger, but maybe we can also contribute and suggest new and creative ideas that managers had never thought about.Another point of view is the salary. Sometimes people think teenagers don’t find a job because we are ambitious and very meticulous when we are looking for a job. However, they don’t know we have been working for a long time with a “contract of practices” without receiving anything and at the present we would like to find a good one in better conditions.In short, I think we are in an ignorant and capitalist world where young people have to struggle and try to survive in the best possible way.
What do you think about this?
You can show or give me your opinion!
For or against a gap year.
"Would you like to have a free year, before university, to travel, work and meet new people and whatever you want?" In some countries as
A gap year has a lot of important and interesting things. First of all people think it's only a year of relax without preoccupations and problems. But it's not the meaning of a gap year. If people don't study during this period it's not only to relax. The teenagers who travel a year before going to the university want to have new experiences, with new people and in new places. They can learn other languages to.
It has a lot of positive consequences to travel a whole year but there are disadvantages to. For example, in a gap year, you spend a lot of money in hostels, travelling and in all you need during this time. So you have to have earned a lot of money if you don’t want to become a penniless in a foreign country. In addition a year “off” it’s bad for your studies since you forget a lot of important concepts during a year without studying.
At the end, and comparing the two possibilities, I would prefer not to have a gap year before university. I think you are most prepared if you don’t have any pause between the studies.
Live in la Pobla
Living in a small town has got a lot of advantages but, like all the thinks it has hot disadvantages to, I’m going to write a for an against essay and you will discover my opinion about this topic because I think it’s very interesting to us.
On the one hand here in Pobla we have a small school and that mean that classes are smaller and teachers know more the opinions of students than in the big cities, I have read in our bloog an opinion of a German student and I think it’s very important to read, he says that hear in our village, people are very friendly and everybody knows all the people in the village.
Pobla although it’s a small town we have got a cinema and it’s a very important think, however here the cinema is always empty and there are few weeks only the weekends.
On the other hand our town hasn’t got a theatre, there isn’t shopping centres and here clothes and all things are more expensive than in the city, for this reason we go to Lleida or Barcelona to buy clothes or other important things, but I think that going far now is not a problem because roads are everyday more straight and comfortable and if you take the train or the bus it’s a moment to arrive to Lleida, the problem is if you want to study in the city because today flats are very expensive and you have to save a lot of money only to rent a flat with some friends, and then you have to pay university, food…
In conclusion I think that it’s very difficult to say where is better to live, here or in the city, but this is my point of view, it can be a quiet and lovely place or it can be a bored and old-fashioned town.
If you read the text you can take advantages for the bloog and post your opinion and all the class will be able to comment this topic and we will see our opinions of this topic because I think it will be very different opinions.

City or town?
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
cнιldren oғ мen™

I am going to talk about the film Children Of Men, the last movie that I saw, because, from my point of view, it is really impressive and a little hard, furthermore, is an excellent work.
Cradle in a book, the argument's film is that, acclimated in the future, in 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can't procreate, an activist (the protagonist, Clive Owen) accept to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child's birth may help scientists save the future of humanity.
In the film, we can see as the immigrants are punished, the war, the suffering, the drama of the people who lose the hope to live, attacks, persecutions, the lost one of friends...
The film was fine and I enjoyed it a lot. I think that is an attractive production and I recommend you to see it whenever you can.
I hope that you like my comment and thanks for read it!!
Monday, November 06, 2006

Now, we are in English class with many German students. They showed us a musical that they did in 2002. We visited a website with many photos and finally we decided to put one of them here.
Here, I also added the adress if you want to see more photos or more information about the thopic.
English class!!
We talked about new tecnologies in school, it was so funny because we have got different points of view.
have fun!
English class
By: Kati, Sara & Carina
niggin (german pupil)
greetings of the germans to all the pupil, here at school.
world cup 2006 in Germany
many people came from all over the world and it was a huge party every night and day... :D
the matches were very interesting and we enjoyed the offensive football of the german team and the atmosphere of all the germans in our country.
Unfortunately the german team didn't win.
:-* Tobi Andre Norman
Our germany friends
Chapela,today's class was very interesting. Can we repeat this kind of classes?
see later
Saturday, October 28, 2006
halloween is near!!!

In the anglosaxon countries are very popular this celebration, but now it is extend around the world, to thanks the television, internet and other new technologies.
For me the most popular about halloween are the pumpkins, because in the night it is very spectacular.
This night is very common that the people dress up as witch, ghost, vampire and other personages about horror.
Boys and girls go to a lot of houses to ask for sweets, cookies and others candies, and the people give them this candies because if they don't give it , the boys and girls scare this people.
In my opinion, I think that it is a very curious custom
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Everyone needs to know how to use a computer

Nowadays there are quite jobs which you need computer knowledge and only a few of houses doesn't have a computer, although it only would be to the free time. It will be the thing more useful of the century.
Moreover, the future is the “Internet”. We will phone, do videoconferences, by Internet; we will buy by Internet; we will play with our friends by Internet; we will do anything by Internet. And how will you do all this things if you don't know how to use the computer?
I think this change is good for us, because we met new people and learn to live alone. This period of our life is the most important, I think, because in this stage is when we decide our future.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
We Finished The Exams!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
°۰˚ThE gErMaNs WiLl ArRiVe SoOn°◦۰

We have waited these years and finally, it has arrived. So, in two weeks, we will see our German correspondent. I'm not impatient because I have already participated in this exchange and I have had a girl at home but some people who have started this year are very nervous.
I think that doing this exchange is a good way to communicate with another people from a different country because we can practice some languages, especially, English and Germany (who learn it). Also, it is interesting because you can know new customs, cooking and more else.
I hope that there won’t be problems and they will spend a good time in our homes. So, enjoy these days with them!!!
new technologies
I'm agree with Xavi. The new technologies must arrive to us for to not remain old fashioned because the next year we will go to the university and we will need to know to use the new resources that we have to our reach.
Also this blog is a funny way to practice english, specially for me, because my english is so bad.
When I study, the new tecnologies are better than to be reading books all the day because it isn't so boring
Tell me what do you think about I have written.
by Sara
anorexia. This web gives you every type of information about this illness, from
the causes and consequences until the treatment that has the family.I have found
that it could be interesting because there are many people that haven’t got
information about this subject and many girls of nowadays have to learn about
anorexia.I found it a lot exaggerated that the patients among 90-95 % they are
women and the age among the twelve and twenty-five years.I believe that this web
would be well for us to learn things that we didn’t know about this
subject.Moreover there is a test about you and your feeding. I believe that this
subject is realistic because of that I have chosen it to put in our blog.
The web is
Have fun class!!
New tecnologies in our school

I think that having new technologies in school is the best think we can do.
Other years were very bored at school, but now we have a lot of English thinks to do, we have a class only for the foreign languages with a lot of computers, last year we travelled to Canada, I think these years we have made a lot of interesting things and now this subject is very interesting.
Having good technologies is good to, because now we don’t have to print our projects, we only have to click on then internet and all the class will see the composition.
In all the advanced countries like Sweden, Finland this is a normal think and all the subjects are with computers, people do the homework on the computer… a lot of thinks we have to do because the technologies are for this and not only to listen to mp3 or playing computer games.
And for this we have to take advantage for the new technologies and all the class will be the most advanced English class in Catalonia.
See you soon!
What do you prefer traveling or exchanging?
The annual student’s exchanges with
In my opinion the two options are good but I prefer travelling to a lot of cities and moving constantly so maybe it's better to go to my own, travelling by train and sleeping on youth hostels. On the other hand if you don’t like this kind of experience it's not a bad idea to exchange.
What do you think?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
What are you waiting for?????
Monday, October 16, 2006
Is my blog (kjl_999) working now???
if you see it's working correctly sai me something
Friday, October 13, 2006
The Masaru Emoto's experiment

Do you remember my exposition in Spanish class about Masaru Emoto? Well, just when I finished, a little group asked me about how they can to do the last example that I explained.
It is an experiment very easy. You need two little glass bottles and the same little porcion of rice (only you need to fill a part of the bottle, not all the recipient). When you put the rice in the flasks, you need to find a quiet place (the balcony for example). Then, you take one of them and go out of the room (or the balcony) far from where is the second bottle and you have to said bad things with rage and offences to the first bottle. A few seconds later, you give back near the second bottle. Now, you take the other recipient and repeat the first action, but now, you have to say sweet words and beautiful expressions to the bottle. Finally, you give back the second bottle with the first.
Every day, you have to repeat the same action, you need only five minutes for day. If you do correctly the procedure, in three weeks, more or less, you will have the bottles with the rice how the image that I annexed with the explication.
(I don't know if it can be possible because I want to do this experiment and I only saw the conclusions with images. If someone does the experiment, please, write me a comments and explain me your conclusions and how you have the bottles)
Thanks for all and I will be waiting answers with your experiences!!