Thursday, April 26, 2007
Google vs Microsoft
It's a fact that a lot of people uses Microsoft's programes, but why? they arn't free and sometimes there are the same programes on a free version.
The last news are about google. They have just started with free programs. Now Google have two free programns, one as the famous Microsoft Word and the oder as Microsoft Exel. This two aplications are completely free and you only need to have a computer with internet.
Althought they have only these two programes they are working to create the google "Power Point".
I think it will be a very big presure to Microsoft the fact that a famous site as Google creates free programes compeeting with their expensive ones. In adition Google have declared that they do it just for help people.
The legend of "Sant Jordi"

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Te Anzac day marks the anniversary of the participation of Australia in the First World War, it’s an important day because before then Australia was a strange country but with this participation they won a lot of honours.
In 1920 this date was established as a national day to commemorate all the Australians who died in this world war.
Now this is a very special day for Australians because doing this they remember the old times and they can talk and think about the war, also with this day all the citizens commemorate all the persons died in all the wars which Australia has participated.
An Australian rules football match is played at the Melbourne Cricket Ground between traditional Australian football League rivals Collinwood Magpies and Essendom Bombers on Anzacday in celebration of the Anzac spirit.
In Tonga, Samoa, Cook Islands and Niue, Anzac Day is also commemorated to honor their soldiers who participated in the campaign.
This day is especially important because all the people of the country can remember the problems of a war, for a lot of people this is their national day however it isn’t.
Other traditional thing is to read a poem for the fallen known as the “Ode of Remembrance”.
However we can think it’s an old celebration this day is celebrated around the world for all the Australians and it’s a very important date.
Espanyol - Werder Bremen

Sunday, April 22, 2007
St George's Day in England
St. George is the patron saint of England. His emblem, a red cross on a white background, is the flag of England, and part of the British flag. St George’s emblem was adopted by Richard ‘The Lion Heart’ and brought to England in the 12th century. The king’s soldiers wore it on their tunics to avoid confusion in battle.
The real St George was a brave Roman soldier who protested against the Romans’ torture of Christians and died for his beliefs. The popularity of St George in England stems from the time of the early Crusades when it is said that the Normans saw him in a vision and were victorious.
One of the best-known stories about Saint George is his fight with a dragon. But it is highly unlikely that he ever fought a dragon, and even more unlikely that he ever actually visited England. Despite this, St George is known throughout the world as the dragon-slaying patron saint of England. In addition, Saint George is always depicted as a knight carrying a shield with a red cross, generally sitting upon a horse.
To end, I also want to explain you how they celebrate this day. By tradition, April 23rd is the day for a red rose in the button hole, the national flower. However, unlike other countries, England doesn’t celebrate it like Americans celebrate 4 July with fireworks. In fact, you are more likely to see big St Patrick parades in England celebrating Ireland’s National Day, more than you would see any sign of St Georges Day being celebrated. This was certainly true in Manchester in 2003, when St George’s Day was virtually ignore soon after the biggest St Patrick’s Day celebrations in the city’s history. As I read in an article, in England for post people St George’s day is just another ordinary day. Maybe that’s why they don’t have the same tradition as Catalans, where we give a rose or a book to our couple.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Important dates in April

Saturday, April 14, 2007
The importance of blogs
One of the most important thing that make change mind of consumers are the blogs, a blog is like a website but it’s easier to create and all the people can say they’re opinion this make that more than the 41% of Spanish that read blogs say that they’ll change to buy a product if in a blog they say that it’s bad ore more expensive than other.
Nowadays in Spain there are more than 2 million of blogs, experts say that every five months the number of participants in blogs increase a 50%.
Blogs are for all the people a new way to express they’re opinion and that other people around the world can read this and can say the opinion about the topic, and example of this way to work is our English blog, there we write our compositions but also we can write our opinion of one topic and we can talk it with all the English partners.

In conclusion I think that blogs are a very good way to work and to go to the future so the best thing is to use them a lot and say our opinion about all the things we consider are good to talk about.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Las month of Course

My Easter
Some of the used systems of communication but are the radio, the television, Internet...
At the moment thanks to these means, we enjoyed a good comunication with people of other countries and also a great facility to obtain data on several subjects.
It is important to say that these innovations also have their bad things since with as much new technology the old costums are has lost.
In order to conclude, I believe that the society would not have to deoend en mass media since every time but we are controlled.
Catalan vs. Spanish
Last Monday it was emitted a documentary named “Ciudadanos de segunda” on TeleMadrid. It was produced by El Mundo TV for the
This documentary is about the situation of the Spanish in
I think it’s a very bad thing for
In conclusion I think that the documentary is only a political strategy against the Catalans and the Catalan government.
Biofuel solutions


Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Sometimes, there are circumstances in the life that prevent to us having our pets with us or at home. And, often, there are people who don’t know what to do with them. It is excellent that the public television of our country promotes a program which helps to obtain adoptive people for these beasts.
In China, a man abstained to have sex with his woman during last the 17 years because he wishes “to live for always”.
One is Chen Dong, a fiftyish one of the city of Chongqing, that changed its style of life after which a colleague assured to him that she could live thousand years if he became celibate and vegetarian.“He believed it completely, and from 1989 he has cooked for both only vegetarian subjects of gossip and let live with me in he himself dormitory ", explained its wife, Yu Hui. On the other hand, Dong affirmed: “Eaten simple they can clean my body, and a asexuada life can maintain my energy when it feels to me exhausted ".
By the sight, the man is convinced of which it is the secret of the eternal life and was a step advanced more: one divorced of its wife arguing who wishes a calm life, but has been forced to pay an indemnification to him of 10 thousand dollars.
Monday, April 02, 2007
At four o’clock most of us were in the bar Astoret sharing nerves. Some of us drank something in order to calm our tension. There, we also wrote dedications to Manel’s album (a present that we did from him). At half past five, we went to the cinema to meet with everybody and Manel, too. Some minutes later, people began to arrive and soon the entire cinema was full. I remember my face turning back to last sittings and I saw people who were straight because they couldn’t sit anywhere; all was full.

Around the six o’clock the show began with a mayoralty’s speech. Then, a few words of two students representing all the group - Cristina and Escales-; they were great! Isn’t it?
Just then the film began and people could see our work. People enjoyed our project a lot; many people congratulated us. At the same time, some of us were moved for all the emotion that we were living. However, above all, I must say it was a perfect afternoon!
Furthermore, the party went on, all this don’t finish here. After the cinema we went to the Kastri and celebrated the success! In addition, we could enjoy listening to Saray’s voice singing her song –included in the project-.
Finally, we had dinner in the Restaurant ‘La Riba’ together. There, during the dinner, we receive a nice new: the Generalitat is going to give us some money (financed) to show our project in different cities.