Thursday, March 29, 2007
Our special day!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Aggressive Advertising?
Friday, March 16, 2007
History of blogger

Thursday, March 15, 2007
Queen "I want to break free"
Since 1973, they have released fifteen studio albums , five live albums, and eight compilation albums and have sold more than 300 million records worldwide.
Following Mercury's death and Deacon's retirement in the 1990s, May and Taylor are currently collaborating with Paul Rodgers under the name Queen + Paul Rodgers.
Their most famous song are We are the champions used in a lot of celebrations, We will rock you, I want to break free, etc.
Freddie Mercury and the opera's singer Montserrat Caballé were the creator of the song "Barcelona" used in the Olympic Games of Barcelona in 1992.

The publicity is a technique of the mix marketing whose fundamental objective is to create mark image, to remember, to inform and/or to persuade the public to maintain or to increase the sales of the goods or supplied services. The publicity arrives at its public through mass media.
There is a publicity's theory: attraction, interest, desire and action. According to this rule, they are the four basic steps in order to an advertising campaign achieves the success. First, it's necessary to call the attention, later, to catch the interest by the demand. Next, to wake up the acquisition desire and, finally, the result is the purchase or what we wanted to obtain (in our case that people go to watch the documental).
Here, I explain you strategies for the accomplishment of an effective publicity:
Sense of humor, share your feelings, use great music, images, people... Also, the message would have to take advantage at the moment and it is retained by the people when it is repetitive. And, after all, sincerity!!!
I hope that it will motivate you and, simultaneously, it will help you. Good Luck!
One of the main arguments for euthanasia is that individuals should have the right to die with dignity or to end their own suffering, especially in cases of fatal illness. Another argument is that, not only allows terminally ill individuals and their families to avoid crippling medical bills, but possible financial ruin also. Furthermore, it would avoid both suffers, the ill individual and his family.
In contrast, there are also arguments and opinions against. First of all, there is the religious argue which says that life is a gift from God, and only God should have the right to take it away. Another one is the violation of doctor’s profession, the “Hippocratic Oath”. Moreover, some organizations against say that euthanasia is a way of killing a person and that should be penalised by some punishment.
As far as I am concerned, I want to believe that some day the government will reflect on the possibility of having a dignity die in case of fatal and terminally illnesses and finally it will legal euthanasia. To sump up, I just want to say that euthanasia should be a right or even a freedom for all serious and critical ill individuals, but always knowing all the consequences can be derived.
Milan offers 60 million for Ronny.
Belletti and Sylvinho are totally sure that Ronny will continue with Barça to 2010.
I wish Ronny would continue in FCB to 2010 because he is the best player in the world and he is necessary to win new coups and leagues.
A fantastic making up
During the last month took place the 79th Annual Academy Awards Presentation, popularly known as the Oscars. There were so many categories but I’ll talk about only one: "achievement in makeup". It was won by two Catalans: David Martí and Montse Ribé, for the excellent work doing two monster making ups: “the Pan” (el Fauno) and “The pallid man” (el hombre palido), from the Guillermo del Toro’s film “The Pan’s Labyrinth” .
They are from
I think they had done a very good job with the making up, I specially like the Pan, I suppose they will continue doing this amazing projects with fantastic films.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
The prohibition of advertisements
The company Dolce&Gabbana published an advertisement that brought a lot of problems because many women in Spain thought that it was a fact of male chauvinism, for this reason the “Instituto de la mujer” forbade the advertisement in Spain.
At first the company was very infuriated with Spain and they said that Spain wan an old country, but one week later this advertisement was forbidding in our countries so the company decided to retire it from around the world.
But now this thing is more talked in Spain because the company Dolce&Gabbana has retired all his advertisements in Spain, it seems like the company wants to punish the Spanish government so they retire all his advertisements.
The president of the association of users of the communication in Spain said that forbidding the advertisement was too much extreme but the decision has already been taken and now we have to accept the consequences.
I think the best thing to know if the advertisement is good or bad is to question people what they think so I propose you to say your opinion about this topic because I think it’s very interesting.
The next photo is one of the photos forbidden:
The Lords of the River

Firstly, ours English' teachers, Chapela & Mercè, proposed this project how a class job with the possible prize of to go to Canada in the future. This work was about the Raiers and we had to find information about them in order to do a Web where was their history. We needed a lot of hours but finally we had success. We won the first prize and we went to Canada to finish our project.
The lords of the River was an excellent job.
And tomorrow I will continue with our trip and all that we did.
See you later!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
The delivery of the prizes of the Academy of the Arts and Cinematographic Sciences American that congregates to main stars of the cinema also reunites many curiosities, and this year has not been the exception:
- In the categories of actors, 10 are name for the first time. The other 10 share a total of 49 nominations in several years. Three have an Oscar in house: Meryl Streep, Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett.
- The nomination of Meryl Streep by “Weak The Wears Prada” is the fourteenth for the actress, surpassing its own record reached in 2002. Katharine Hepburn and Jack Nicholson is the other two name actors more, with 12 each one.
- The Briton Kate Winslet is the youngest actress in receiving five nominations to her 31 years. The previous record had Olivia de Havilland, who to the 33 years received his fifth nomination in 1949.
- Penélope Cruz and Rinko Kikuchi are name as Better Actress and Better Actress of Distribution by papers in foreign languages. Four interpreters gained an Oscar speaking a language different from the English: Sophia Loren (“Two Women”), Robert De Niro (“Padrino II”), Roberto Benigni (“the life is beautiful”), Benicio Of the Toro (“Traffic”).
- Alexander González Iñárritu is first the Mexican in competing as Better Director and the fourth Hispano-American after the Argentinean-Brazilian Héctor Babenco (“the kiss of the woman spider”, 1985), the Brazilian Fernando Meirelles (“City of God”, 2003) and the Spanish Pedro Almodóvar (“He speaks with her”, 2000).
- If the tape of Clint Eastwood spoken in Japanese “Letters from Iwo Jima” got to win like Better Film would be the first time that films in foreign language would take the trophy. The seven films recorded in foreign languages that were name in the past are: “Grand Illusion”, “Z”, “The Emigrants', “You raise and Whispers”, “The Postman”, “the life is beautiful” and “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragoon”.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
ArE tHeY hAnDsOmE bEcAuSe ThEy ArE fAmOuS?
This peculiar effect takes place with the famous: men who were absolutely normal and even ugly, they become sex-symbols and they start to be more attractive and desirable only because they are in this status.
In just a short time and with the help of the beautician, the people begin to know them for their romances with spectacular women. For example, Adrien Brodie, who is an actor with a lot of talent, had a relation with Elsa Pataky and he isn't a sex-symbol. Another evident case is Ronaldo. His fame and his money replace the beauty so Milene Rodrigues (the girl with whom had his son), Daniela Cicarelli and Raica Olivera were his girlfriends. Also, Mike Jagger, Willem Dafoe,... are examples of this situation.
The cause is the following one:
The people mix the talent that they show publicly, their personality and behaviour (the things that make to fall in love with them) with the beauty. Also, we don't know how to differentiate the actor in front of the character.

(Here I put photos about the famous examples of the writting and their cartoons in order to emphasize their defects and to explain that they aren't really handsome)
Monday, March 05, 2007
the fever of Grease!

Friday, March 02, 2007

All these shorts are very interesting, and I think that documentary this one will go out very well and the people will like very much.
From this one week, already it will be possible see the advertising of the different shorts for all the town.
Chapela we wait you the day of the premiere!!
Fashion styles
First of all, I must say people shouldn’t always be like other people. I think all people can be and can get dress which they want. I’ve said this because there are people who criticize and don’t respect them. However, I agree with people who want to show his or her opinion. For instance, I hate piercing and tattoos, although I don’t judge people who wear one.
From my point of view I think every type of fashion, every own style have to be respected. You can say for example that this shirt is so smart; other can think that it is too formal; other can think that it’s too original…
In a nutshell, everybody can wear which they want and everyone has to respect all styles.
El laberinto del fauno

This film is set in the year 1944, it explains a travel in which Ofelia, a thirteen year-old teen travels with her mother to a small town, in that site there is a man whose name is Vidal and he is a captain of the Franco’s army, Ofelia’s mother falls in love with that captain who has the job to kill all the republicans in that zone.
One they Ofelia find a labyrinth with a strange creature called Fauno that says Ofelia that she is the queen of those creatures, to be the queen she has to pass three tests before the full moon, the history will continue mixing historical events and lots of fantasy.
I think it is a very interesting film because it mixes a good fantasy and the Spanish civil war, also in the film appear lots of famous actors and the most special is Ofelia, the protagonist which in the real live is a Catalan thirteen old girl called Ivana Baquero and she did a fascinating actuation on that film.
I don’t want to explain a lot, I think that the best think is to see the film and then we will comment it.

The advantages of the internet are for example, that if you need information for holidays, the internet will search for this information, and you will know this information very fast and in your house. Furthermore, you also can download music or videos free. Another advantage is that if you have a domestic problem, in the internet has also disadvantages, for example, you have to be carful because a virus can damage your computer, and the worst of the internet for me is that you can be an addictive person.
Finally, I think that internet is a good if you do a moderate use of his services
Thursday, March 01, 2007
All-star 2007

The NBA All-Star weekend is an event celebrated specially for the fans of the basketball and of the NBA. Across the weekend people can stay with their idols and admire their abilities inside the court and their humanity outside the court.
In the event are celebrated different types of spectacular games:
(Some of the games of the All-Star weekend)
Rookie challenge: Is a match between the rookies, first year players, and sophomores, second year players of the league.
Slam Dunk contest: You can see the most spectacular dunks of the specialist of the league in this game.
Three-Point shootout: The specialist of the tree points shoot demonstrated their abilities.
Skills challenge: Is an ability game.
Shooting stars: A game where a player of the NBA, a player of the WNBA (woman NBA) and a legend of the NBA try to score some shoots on different positions.
All-Star Game: The most important game of the weekend, the match between the Star players of the East and the Star players of the West.
(Some photos of these games)