Thursday, December 14, 2006
In this championchip only there are the winners of the all continents, Asia, Africa, Oceania, South and North America.
The last time that Barça went to Japan to dispute this championchip was in 1992, when they won the first Campions League for the Barça.
This time like now, Barça lose the match and retourn to Barcelona without the cup. the fans to Barça are very disappointed with his players, because it is the only cup tht this team never win.
I would like that one day Barça can win this important cup.
Modelism in Lleida
Around the world a lot of people like radio controlled cars, or planes; painting miniatures; sculpting and a lot of hobbies that are engloved in modelism.
In fact these two shops are in the ranking of the twenty best modeling shops in
But it is only in Lleida. Allover the province there are no shop specialized on this. I hope in a near future it will appear some new and interesting places where you can go to have fun with modelism.
Welcome to !!!

We are going to visit Barcelona next Thursday, instead of being at school.
We are going to leave from La Pobla very early. May be, we will have a break at the middle of the travel to eat something. More o less, at ten or eleven o'clock we will arrive in the big city. At half past eleven we will be at the Museum of the History to do the first visit of the day.
When we finish, we'll have free time to do all the things that we want. We'll be able to go to eat at a restaurant,buy clothes or music, books...
At five o'clock, we'll have to be at the theatre to see "En Polvora".
Finally, after the theatre, we'll come back home, but there is someone that they pass the night in Barcelona or they'll don't come back. For example, Joan and Tuso will be in the Camp Nou at night, people that want to see the family and I that I want to stay with my girlfriend.

Christmas in the countries anglosaxons

In anglosaxon countries the protagonist of Christmas is Father Christmas or Santa Claus. This man fat and bearded with a honey aspect has his origen in a lot of religious traditions.
On the one hand, the legend of Saint Nicholas de Bari, a greek priest, who was characterized by his generousity and his treatment with childrens. On the other hand, the pattern from Holland Sinterklaas was characteritzed by his innovations.
Two centuries later, the northamerican writter Washington Irving changed this two names and put Santa Claus. The appearance of Santa Claus was made by the swedish designer Thomas Nast put Santa Claus in his comics.
In the 20th century Coca-Cola made Santa Claus in his advertisements. First they changed the colour of Santa Claus's clothes and a designer painted the clothes colour red.
I wish you a Mery Christmas and a happy 2007!!
Christmas in our country

Christmas is very near and we are preparing all the things to make it a good celebration.
Every year people go shopping the same day is the celebration, experts say it’s bad because all food is more expensive, they say it’s better to go shopping one week before because food is cheaper and there is less people than the day of the celebration.
Altought experts say this, saverys only say that one of three people go shopping one week before the celebration, people say it’s better because you don’t have to freeze the food and it’s more comfortable to buy all the things the same day because you don’t need space for save food you only need the kitchen.
Experts say it’s a bad habit because Christmas days all the products are more expensive and don’t have the same quality because there are lot’s of shops that to make more money for example some shops sell fish that was fished two or three days before.
But leaving surveys Christmas is a very beautiful party when all the streets are full of beautiful lights and all the people are more happy that in other part of the year, this thing maybe is because the lights on the streets, going shopping but I think we have to take advantages of Christmas and be happy because in one week we will have holidays and it will be the best without school and with all our friends.
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
TV3’s Marató
In addition, the Marató attempt to show everything about illness that they wanted to investigate as for example how this illness has an effect on the social or familiar environment, and specially illustrate the necessity to carry this scientific investigation out, improve the treatment or find a cure of it.
This year it celebrates its fifteenth birthday. It is going to take place the 17th of December and it will be dedicated to chronic pain.
More information click here:
Saturday, December 02, 2006
The video of experiment
There are two videos: a video in english and a video of Buenafuente!
Whenever you want, you can see it.